Remy’s Birth Story | St Thomas Midtown in Nashville, TN

February 20, 2020

Whenever I photograph a birth, I am completely in awe of what I am witnessing. And Remy’s birth was certainly no exception.

I got the call on December 31st that mama, Kristin, was being induced at St Thomas Midtown in Nashville, TN. This birth was special for so many reasons, but it was extra special that it was a New Year’s baby!

When I arrived to Midtown, I almost thought I had the wrong room! Kristin and her husband Drew were laughing and chatting and so calm. Let me tell you, this mama labored so gracefully and beautifully! While setting up and snapping a few images, the nurse did a check and Kristin had progressed to a 10 remarkably quick! After setting room up for the delivery, the nurse had to track down the OB who was in the OR. Thankfully, mama and baby were stable and doing fine, so it was a perfect time to get a little rest before the pushing began.

Baby Miller was a “team green” baby, meaning the sex was a surprise! Everyone guessed boy, except Drew who was certain it was a girl.

When the OB arrived, it was go time! Kristin was a champ and only had to push a few times before this perfect little baby came out and was placed on her chest! With all the excitement and commotion, the parents didn’t hear what the sex was. It took a few seconds before it was realized that baby Miller was a GIRL! Dad was right all along.

She was so content on Kristin’s chest, while Drew cut the cord. She was one of the most alert newborns I’ve seen! She made amazing eye contact, and even stuck out her tongue at me a few times.

Remy Drew was born on 12/31/19 at 3:29pm. She was 5lbs 3oz of purse perfection!

Congrats Miller Family!

copyright 2023 lindsay reed photography | designed by victoria tate |  Powered by Showit

nashville and franklin, tn photographer capturing maternity, newborn, milestones, and families in natural, at-home settings. follow along @lindsayreedphotography





copyright 2023 lindsay reed photography
designed by victoria tate |  Powered by Showit